Aero Yassavi wrote:When someone can't come up with any other counter argument other than claiming it is nothing more than propaganda, you know you have won the argument. Carry on, Xavier has nothing worthy of argument.
Excuse me?What I said was that his statement:
"The real Gallente leadership are in control. when was the last time there was any real reform? The corruption and nepotism endemic to democracy are still rampant and the average citizen is still forced to toil for another's gain while being told they are free. "
has no merit. It does not, for it is just a rambling paragraph with nothing behind it. You pick and choose the wrongs of our society, which we have done, and our imperfections, which we are, and seem to believe that we personify all of that.

(You miss my point. I hold no personal grudges against any Gallentean. I do not believe that Gallenteans are inherently evil or corrupt. I admire the bravery of your people show for standing before the might of the Empire, for it must be no easy choice to make. It's just that the ideals you espouse are based in lies. I seek to save you; but if I can't save you we can at least save some of your people by razing the oligarchy you call a federation and re-educating those we can.)
"The Gallente leadership are in control"
Oh, really? They are our
leaders after all.
Of course, if you mean advertisement and propaganda, then that is a leap of faith. There is simply no way you could prove that our government controls what we see and tries to influence us on such a scale. If you could, there would be outcry. Outrage.

(maybe some would cry out - but the major players already have their lobbyists working in plain sight, and the people are played like puppets between your voting blocs. )
"when was the last time there was any real reform?"
For what, exactly? Discrimination? There was this investigation, right here. Apparently they are not as widespread as they appear. However, an independent group to research this would be phenomenal, in my opinion.
"The corruption and nepotism endemic to democracy are still rampant and the average citizen is still forced to toil for another's gain while being told they are free."
How do you even come up with this? This statement is but a string of words. They have no merit, no meaning. All just ways to defame our society. Different perspectives lead to different opinions. How you came up with this one, is understandable, for far to a extreme.
And about the propaganda, I have read some of them. The "sermons". They talk about about we server "self-interest" and how we are "selfish". I am also certain that what Kesha brought up, such as the "corruption and nepotism endemic to democracy" is in there somewhere.

(So philosophical arguments hold no merit or meaning? Any ideas that run contrary to yours are just meaningless strings of words? Every year the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer while legions of lobbyists just push through more bills to serve their patron company's bottom line. how much more self serving can you get?)